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Home » Pastor Jentezen Franklin Sermon – The Walls Will Fall | Fast 2023

Pastor Jentezen Franklin Sermon – The Walls Will Fall | Fast 2023

    Pastor Jentezen Franklin Sermon The Walls Will Fall : The lead pastor of Free Chapel, Pastor Jentezen Franklin has released this life changing and inspirational sermon titled ”The Walls Will Fall” delivered during the Free Chapel Sunday Service of January 22 2023.

    Be rest assured that this sermon by Pastor Jentezen will interest and benefit you to listen to.

    Pastor Jentezen Franklin’s sermon, entitled “The Walls Will Fall,” is a powerful message about the power of faith. In this sermon, Pastor Franklin encourages his listeners to have faith in God and to trust that He will bring down the walls that stand between us and the things we desire.

    Pastor Franklin begins his sermon by discussing the walls we have in our lives, such as the walls of fear, doubt, and discouragement. He explains that when we allow these walls to stand, it can become easy for us to become discouraged and give up on our dreams. He then goes on to tell a story about the walls of Jericho. He explains how God told Joshua to march around the city seven times, and on the seventh day, the walls of Jericho fell. This story is used to illustrate how faith in God can help us overcome the walls in our lives.

    Pastor Franklin then turns to the New Testament and discusses Jesus’ words in John 10:10, which states that Jesus came to give us life and to give it to us in abundance. He explains how this is another example of how faith can help us overcome the walls that stand between us and our dreams. He then encourages his listeners to have faith and to trust in God, and reminds them of His promise to never leave us nor forsake us.

    In conclusion, Pastor Franklin calls on his listeners to have faith in God and to trust in Him. He reminds them that with faith, no obstacle is too big for God to move. He encourages them to trust in God and to rely on Him for strength to overcome the walls that stand between them and their dreams.

    kindly watch and learn from this Pastor Jentezen Franklin Sermon ”The Walls Will Fall” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Jentezen Franklin Sermon Youtube ”The Walls Will Fall”

    Video credit : Free Chapel Youtube