Woman Thou Art Loosed 2022 : The founder of Potter’s House Church, Bishop TD Jakes has finally released a statement on the annointing and passing of the touch to his daughter, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts.

In his statement, Bishop TD Jakes said:
Greetings in the name of Jesus .
I imagine you are feeling a lot right now and I am too. A sense lof determination, pride and accomplishment resides within me alongside a bittersweet note.
I know God is calling me to step aside, but I would be remiss if I didnt take some pride in what we built across the last three decades. What started as a series of Sunday school lessons in my storefront church in West Virginia back in 1992 has turned into a movement that has transformed and continues to transform women across the globe.
Women Thou Art loosed is an example of what happens when we follow God’s vision: We follow his footstep even when we don’t know the outcome. But know this: God’ outcome is far greater than we can imagine.
I couldn’t be prouder of the women of my family for standing by me as we built this together. We made it. We are here, and now I am excited to pass the torch to you for the next evolution of women’s empowerment.
Starting in 2023, WTAL gives way to Women Evolve– an initiative started by my daughter, pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts as she arms women with the power, knowledge and resilience they need to move mountains in their lives. She is talented, gifted and annointed by our heavenly father to do this and her earthly father is very proud of her.
I will always be grateful for this year’s WTAL : Homecoming and I hope it inspired you as much as it did to me. To see what it has become from a 30 -year vision and for me to see it in it’s full power and fruit, its nothing short of a miracle. If you are like me and get sentimental, download the Amazon Freevee app to have access to all WTAL conferences from the beginning until now (plus more than 300 sermons, messages and more-all for free)!. Stay tuned for that to be added.
As I leave the task of empowerment to Sarah, I want to thank everyone who got us to this point. My team members at the Potter’s House pf Dallas and T.D Jakes Ministries were immutable in their diligence and work ethics and I am honored to have them by my side. Every speaker, leader, teacher and influencer who presented throughout these years deserves every thanks and respect – their words changed lives.
And lastly, to you, our participants, guests, attendees- you are the rock that built this house. I pray God continues to encourage, mold, strengthen and reside in you.
Be blessed and I will see you soon.
In his Service
Bishop T.D Jakes.