Woman Thou Art Loosed 2022 : Here is another moment of show of love and emotion between a father , Bishop TD Jakes and his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts. Watch as Bishop T.D Jakes Commissioned his daughter by the laying of hands, as he passes the new era Torch of the “Woman Thou Art Loosed” Conference, Now called “Woman Evolve” To his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts.
Pictures go viral as Sarah Jakes Roberts cried uncontrollably while his father prayed fervently and showers words of blessings, encouragement , motivation, supports and inspiration on her.
Bishop TD Jakes who has always been there for his daughter from her childhood days, through the moment of her early pregancy and her period od conversionn and giving of her life to Christ, has once again renewed his promise to his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts while he blesses her and encourages her in her relentless efforts in women develoment .

Praying for Sarah Jakes Roberts and wishing her greater height in her endeavors, Bishop TD Jakes Said:
I have watched you grow from my baby girl into a leader, changemaker, and influencer with a reach far beyond generations of women. You’ve touched the lives of so many, and as your earthly father, I’ve never been prouder!
It is my distinct honor to pass the torch to you. You’ve earned it and will excel wherever God takes you for women’s empowerment! May God bless Woman Evolve in 2023!
This is my vow to you: I will always be there to put my coat over you for as long as I live, and gladly so. For as I decrease, I will watch God increase you!.
It will be recalled that Sarah Jakes who is the third daughter of Bishop TD Jakes and Serita Jakes went through a lot of emotional trauma and depression in her early years particularly when she go pregant at the age of 13 years old. Her father despite the shock, stood by her, encouraged her and today, the early pregancy was what resulted to a son called Malachi Jakes.
Sarah Jakes is happily marreid to Toure Roberts, and just like her father, Sarah Jakes Roberts husband Toure Roberts has been a pillar of support to his wife Sarah Jakes. He is always there for her in anything and anywhere.

See more Pictures of Sarah Jakes Roberts crying and being emotional with the father
Watch video by Royalty Cosmos