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What Should You Do As A Christian

    We live in a world where the Christian faith is often misunderstood. The Bible tells us that we are not of this world but that we are called to be set apart for God. In a world that is constantly changing and calling us to sin, it can be difficult to know how to stand up for your beliefs and still be accepted by others. Here are some ways you can show your faith as a Christian while still being true to yourself:

    Title of content: What Should You Do As A Christian? Label for this section: Introduction

    What this section does: Introduces the rest of the blog post

    Section summary: We live in a world where the Christian faith is often misunderstood. The Bible tells us that we are not of this world but that we are called to be set apart for God. In a world that is constantly changing and calling us to sin, it can be difficult to know how to stand up for your beliefs and still be accepted by others. Here are some ways you can show your faith as a Christian while still being true to yourself:

    What Should You Do As A Christian

    1. Pray & Praise

    Prayer and praise are important tools to help you on your Christian journey. Pray for the lost, pray for the church, pray for your leaders, pray for your friends, family, and yourself.

    For example:

    • Pray that God will save those who don’t know him from their sins.
    • Pray that God will lead people to church where they can hear about Jesus Christ and his saving grace in their lives!
    • Pray for the members of the Church who do not understand what it means to be a Christian or have fallen away from the faith – because when we ask our Father in heaven not only does he listen but he acts upon our requests according to His perfect timing (1 John 5:14-15).

    2. Witness

    The Bible tells us to share our faith with others. In fact, the apostle Paul says that God has given us a message of salvation and that we are to tell everyone about it (1 Corinthians 9:16-17). As Christians, we have been entrusted with a great privilege—the opportunity to tell others about Jesus Christ. We must remember this responsibility and seek out opportunities where we can share our faith in Christ with people around us.

    We should also be eager to share our faith with those closest to us: family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Sharing your faith is not always easy; however, if you are able to communicate clearly what God’s love means and how it changes lives then you will be able to witness effectively. Even if someone does not accept what you have shared or believes that they do not need Jesus because they are doing fine on their own – your willingness and commitment will have spoken volumes about who YOU are!

    3. Baptism

    The Catholic Church teaches that baptism is a sacrament, or ritual of grace. It is performed by a priest and cleanses the soul of sin in preparation for entering heaven. If you are not baptized as an infant, you may be baptized at any age through what Catholics call “re-baptism.”

    Your adult baptism should be done in private (although some parishes will allow it to take place during Mass). To prepare for your adult baptism, consult with your priest about what kind of ceremony you’d like to have: whether it will be simple or elaborate; with family members present; or incorporating other religious traditions into the service.

    4. Live a Holy Life

    As a Christian, it is not enough to simply believe in the Lord. You must also live in such a way that others can see your faith and know what it means to be a follower of Christ. This requires you to live with integrity and purity, as well as confront sin wherever you may find it—within yourself or within those around you.

    The apostle Paul wrote: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). If we wish our lives to reflect Christ’s example on earth, then we must seek renewal through Him every day so that we might be able to discern His will in all things large and small.

    5. Read the Bible

    • Read the Bible to learn about God. The Bible is the primary source of our knowledge about God. In fact, it teaches us more about God than anything else does.
    • Read the Bible to learn about yourself. The Bible shows us that we are sinful and in need of a Savior; this knowledge should lead us to repentance and faith in Christ (Romans 3:23).
    • Read the Bible to learn about others who need Jesus as their Savior too (Matthew 28:19-20).
    • Read the Bible because it’s good news – God loves you! And He sent His Son Jesus into this world so that you could be saved from sin by believing in Him as your Lord and Savior (2 Corinthians 5:19).

    6. What Should You Do As A Christian

    Regardless of what your own personal faith traditions are, there are some things that Christians should do. The following list is by no means exhaustive, but it can give you a starting point for your own prayers:* Pray and praise. You will not be alone in this endeavor. As a Christian, you have access to the entire body of Christ—people from every denomination and background—who will join you in prayer.* Witness. While some people may not want to hear about the gospel, others might be willing to listen. There are many ways for Christians to witness their faith; one way is by being able to give an accurate account of what they believe when asked.* Baptism (or Confirmation). In baptism or confirmation, we publicly declare our commitment as followers of Christ.* Live holy lives every day through works such as fasting or volunteering at church or helping others who need assistance.* Read Scripture daily with God’s guidance so that he can lead us through life

    Summary of What Should You Do As A Christian

    As a Christian, it is important to remember that you are a representation of God’s love and grace in this world. As such, it is important to live in a way that honors Him and reflects His teachings. Here are a few things you should do as a Christian:

    1. Love God and others. This is the most important commandment given to us by Jesus. We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. This means being kind, generous, and forgiving.

    2. Pray and read your Bible. Prayer is an important part of a Christian’s life. It is an opportunity to connect with God and seek His guidance. Reading the Bible is also important because it reveals God’s word and provides direction on how to live a life according to His will.

    3. Serve and give. Serving others is an important part of living a Christian life. It is a way to show God’s love and grace to those in need. Giving is also important because it is an expression of thankfulness and faithfulness to God.

    4. Witness and share the Gospel. As Christians, we are called to share the Gospel with others. This means telling others about Jesus and His love for us. It also means living a life that reflects Christ’s teachings and demonstrating God’s love in everything we do.

    These are just a few things that you should do as a Christian. As you live your life, remember to always strive to be a reflection of God’s love and grace.