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    VICTORIA OSTEEN SERMON PROTECT YOUR GOD SIZED PROMISESPastor Victoria Osteen encourages us today to know that we have the power of the Living God on the inside of us, do you ever get tired of hearing that, I don’t either and I think we constantly need to be reminded that God’s power lives in us, you see you’re equipped this morning and I want to announce that you’re equipped for your unique assignment, God has left nothing out that you’re going to need, for anything that he’s called you to do and not only has he thought about you, I liked what Cindy said, that his thoughts for you, his plans for you are good, so he thought about us, he knew our assignment and he put everything in us that we would need every gift, every talent, our personalities, our dispositions, everything is just right and then he did something one step greater, he put his power in us, so you have the Living God on the inside of you.


    If you’re a believer today I don’t want you to feel ordinary because we all do sometimes, it’s just an ordinary life, we go to work, we come home, we eat dinner, we do it again, we get up in the morning, we go mow the lawn, we do this, it can feel ordinary but I want to tell you something, God didn’t save you, he didn’t call you, he didn’t choose you to be ordinary, he called you to be extraordinary and you have to understand because you have the Living God, you are extraordinary, you’re set apart, you’re called by God and He has assignments for you to do you.


    It’s so interesting because sometimes people don’t recognise the call of God on our life, they don’t understand the call of God or like I said we may feel ordinary, we wonder if we’re accomplishing what God even wants us to accomplish, so often we determine the power of God within us, it’s going on around us, you see if I was maybe doing a little better, if God liked me a little more, this wouldn’t be happening or maybe if I could just get a little closer to God, I wouldn’t be going through this this trial but that’s the way man looks at things.


    God told the Prophet Samuel he said, you’re going to anoint the next king of Israel and I want you to know this one thing about this anointing, you’re going to anoint the man that I call, but I don’t want you to begin to look for what you think would be the key, I don’t want you to look for the man that’s the right height, the man that’s in a certain position, the man that has the talents that you think would make a good King, he said because I don’t look at things that way, that’s the way you look at things, he said you look from the outside, you respond to life from the outside but see I am a God of the inside man looks on the outside but God looks on the heart.

    Pastor Victoria Osteen wants us to know that we are qualified today because God chose us to be qualified, he looked at our heart and he said that’s my child.