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    VICTORIA OSTEEN SERMON MAKE TIME ALONE WITH GOD :The wife of Joel Osteen , mother of Jonathan and Alexandra Osteen and senior pastor of Lakewood churchPastor Victoria Osteen teaches us on communication with God, she said, We have such a privilege in prayer, sometimes we take prayer for granted, but prayer is a privilege. It’s talking to God, communicating with God. You see, the bible says, “that when our spirit connects with God’s spirit, something incredible happens, we are ignited with the power of almighty God.”


    the strongest part of you is not your physical body, it’s not your emotional or your soulish realm, the strongest part of you, the eternal part of you is your spirit man and when you connect the strongest part of you with the strongest force in the universe, there’s an exchange that takes place. There’s a powerful transformation that takes place.


    God is a big God, he flung the stars into space, and he’s in full control. Just like we sang about, God is unshakeable, he’s huge, and we have the privilege to commune with this huge God.


    We cannot take for granted that we can speak to God, and that God hears us, it says in romans 8, “God’s spirit testifies with our spirit.” you see, God’s spirit is constantly telling our spirit when we get into communion with him, who we are, what we can do.


    our spirit is picking up the signals of God, it’s changing, it’s growing, it’s taking on a new dimension, a heavenly dimension, a dimension that you can’t get on this earth, you can only get it when you ignite and connect your spirit with God’s spirit.


    That sounds far out, doesn’t it? but it’s the truth, you are a spiritual being, and you were designed to connect with your spiritual father. In fact, when Jesus left this earth, you know what he said? He said, “I’m leaving the holy spirit here with you.” the person of the Holy Spirit, that’s who we get to talk to every single day.


    Paul told us, and encourages us all through the new testament, to pray continuously, to pray without ceasing, to pray all kinds of prayers, all kinds of requests, all kinds of petitions to God, he was saying, “go for it, talk to God. Isn’t that incredible? That God doesn’t judge us when we talk to him, he communes with us. Think about when your child comes up to you, you don’t judge them, your heart goes out to them, you want to help them, the first thing that you want to do is fix them, encourage them, strengthen them.


    You’re looking at what they’re doing right, not what they’re doing wrong but when you come to God, he is looking at what you’re doing right. He sees that recreated spirit within you, and he is connecting his spirit, the very lifeline of heaven is being connected to you.


    Jesus gave us an example of a habit that he had and it says, “that Jesus would often withdraw to lonely places, leaving the crowd to connect with his father in heaven.” he also told us this in Matthew 6, “but when you pray, go into your room and shut the door.”


    He says, “when you pray to your father, who is unseen, in secret, he will reward you openly.” you see, Jesus was saying, “not only do I need to get away from the crowds, my crowded life, the needs of the world to get with my father, but you should too.” we must withdraw from this busy schedule, from this crazy, hectic world, and get alone with God.