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Victoria Osteen sermon : Encourage Yourself

    Victoria Osteen sermon Encourage Yourself: David the mighty man of God who faced challenge after challenge learned this secret, he encouraged himself in the Lord, David had a warrior’s mentality, he took a place inside of him and built up this place where he had encouraged himself in the things of God and he was able to take that war chest and encourage himself on the things on the outside, he was able to look at the face of discouragement and say no, my God can supply all of my needs, my God can get me through this.


    At one point in David’s life everybody had turned against him, even his men that were fighting battles, with him were so down and discouraged that they turned to David and they said we want to stone you, they were looking for someone to blame for the difficulties that they were facing David had no one around him, that could encourage him, yet he encouraged himself in the Lord his God.


    It’s great when your family is there to encourage you, when your friends are there to encourage you but what happens when no one’s there to encourage you, we shouldn’t depend on other people to encourage us, we must remain our main source of encouragement. That is, our main source of encouragement should come right from the inside of us see.


    Victoria Osteen said “I can’t even imagine my husband trying to encourage me every time I’m discouraged” we’ve got to

    Learn to encourage ourselves every day we’ve got to remember what God has done in our life, we have to understand that we have to get in agreement with God, that you are made in the image of the Almighty God.


    God created you and he made you and if you believe that about your life, then when you criticize yourself you might as well be criticizing your Creator, the one who made you, if you can criticize his creation then what you’re doing is criticizing the Creator because he made you he formed you, he fashioned you just the way you should be, when you encourage yourself, what you’re doing is you’re saying thank you God that you’ve made me to be more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.


    I’m an overcomer because you backed me up because I have your word in me, it’s so easy sometimes to see the good qualities in others and ignore the good qualities in ourselves, but I believe that we need to see are the good things in ourselves and we need to applaud even the smallest accomplishments, you know maybe you feel like you’re a procrastinator and there’s been a project that you’ve been putting off well when you begin to start that project even if you don’t finish it applaud yourself.


    we’ve got to learn to applaud even the smallest accomplishments in our life when we applaud ourselves you know what we’re doing we’re not being boastful we’re not being egotistical and prideful we’re building confidence and faith in ourselves.

    Credit for Victoria Osteen sermon Encourage Yourself : Joel Osteen Youtube


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