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TREM Daily Devotional November 16 2022.

    The theme for TREM Daily Devotional November 16 2022 is ”THE MERCY OF GOD”.

    Here is today’s TREM daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Pastor Mike Okonkwo, meditate on the word of God and endeavour to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    SCRIPTURE: “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.” Psalm 136:1(KJV)

    The word mercy unfortunately for most people has been misunderstood from a negative standpoint. They feel I have done something wrong let me ask for the mercy of God. In other words, the mercy of God will then force God to meet my need. We assume that the mercy of God is when I ask God to have mercy on me, meaning to forgive me from the standpoint of I messed up, I’ve blown it, I’ve failed him. This is the aspect at which the devil pushes out through the fall of man. It gives an impression that God is withholding something from man, that God wants man dead, that God is saying, you’ve blown it and I’ll throw you into the gallows waiting for your next mistake. That is the impression the devil has presented through the fall of man.

    The truth is that He is a loving God and filled with loving-kindness that releases, and deploys mercy to mankind even when we never deserved it. The mercy of God is the loving-kindness of God which is the disposition of God to us. God is love. Love never fails, love is long-suffering, love is patient, and love never regards evil. So let me tell you right away that God is not withholding anything from you. If anything, He wants you blessed, and to experience turn around.

    The bible tells us in Genesis about Adam. Ever before Adam was created God had already provided everything for the good of mankind and God finally made him the crown of His creation. Adam lived in a state of dominion and victory until the devil entered the scene. The scripture tells us that the devil entered and deceived Adam and that what God said of you is not really what he made you. Adam fell for his lies. God did not leave man in this state. The mercy of God sought for Adam even in this condition even though God knew he had missed it. The love of God is everlasting and is not determined by what we do. Mercy is the only way God relates to us.

    Further Reader: Genesis 3:1-21: Lamentations 2:22-23; Psalm 89:20-36

    Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 3-4; Evening- Hebrews 11:20-40

    Credit for today’s The Redeemed Evangelical Mission‘s daily devotional November 16  2022:The Redeemed Evangelical Mission/