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Home » The Power of the Precious Preach – Jentezen Franklin

The Power of the Precious Preach – Jentezen Franklin

    The Power of the Precious Preach Jentezen Franklin: there is a difference between seed and precious seed.

    psalm 126:5 says, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him”. There is a tremendous power in the release of the precious seed, the reason that it is called precious seed is because it goes forth, as long as a seed is held in our hands, it is not precious, as long as you think about what you want to do for God or think about what you might do or day dream about making a difference, but it becomes a precious seed when its no longer in your hand but when you send it forth and relinquish it. God wants the precious so that you can enter into the dimension of the doubtless.

    there is something about releasing the seed that makes us doubtless on whether the miracle is going to happen or not. Doubtless harvest comes when you release the precious seed. the precious seed is usually something that moves you. if it moves you then it will move God. when you release the precious seed, you have a different kind of faith in God, the kind of faith that can move mountains, this is because when you gave the precious seed, you will enter a supernatural dimension.

    the bible verses for this preaching
    psalm 126:5

    Hebrew 12