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Home » The Mighty Name of Jesus – Kenneth Copeland (August-06-2021)

The Mighty Name of Jesus – Kenneth Copeland (August-06-2021)

    Kenneth Copeland (August-06-2021) Watch Sermon: The Mighty Name of Jesus. At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland continues teaching about the mighty Name of Jesus. We all need recurrent training in His Name. Jesus’ Name can do anything that He said or did. Faith in the Name is having faith in Jesus, and His representative, Holy Spirit, is living inside you now!

    Kenneth and Gloria Copeland understand just how life-changing the message of faith is. They started out just like any of us—struggling with continual lack, debt, sickness and discouragement.

    Then they decided to trust God and base their lives on His Word. If a situation in their lives didn’t line up with what they read in the Bible, they changed what they did. Every time.

    You can follow Kenneth Copeland on Twitter. 

    Kenneth Copeland Online Sermon.