T.D. Jakes Sermons: Run After Your Destiny : TD Jakes Ministries shares this amazing and life changing sermon by Bishop TD Jakes titled ”Run After Your Destiny”. This is a message of motivation and encouragement and it is a sermon you wouldn’t want to miss.
From The Potter’s House series Run Your Race comes the motivational message “Run After Your Destiny.”
Bishop T.D. Jakes preaches from John’s story of Christ’s resurrection and His followers’ response when they discovered the tomb open and Jesus’ body gone. While we know the end of the story, he encourages us to imagine how the women felt when they found their Messiah inexplicably gone. Already hurting, already in sorrow, this shock dealt them another blow – and they ran back to the disciples with the news.
Life often deals us surprises, but nothing surprises God. While nothing in this life is certain, our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has us covered.
We must not let the disruptions of life disrupt us from our purpose. We must run after it. When the women told the disciples what they’d discovered, Peter and “the other disciple” ran together to the tomb.
Watch and learn frim this spirit lifting and insightful sermon by TD Jakes and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.
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Watch Bishop TD Jakes Sermon ” Water the Seed”
Video Credit : TD Jakes Youtube