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Home » T.D Jakes & Sarah Jakes Roberts : Overcome Your Painful Past

T.D Jakes & Sarah Jakes Roberts : Overcome Your Painful Past

    T.D Jakes and Sarah Jakes Roberts Overcome Your Painful Past : Bishop TD Jakes and his doaghter Sarah Jakes Roberts have jointly come through with this wonderful and inspiring messages on how to overcome your painful past.

    In this message, T.D. Jakes and Sarah Jakes Roberts share how to overcome any trial while relying on the goodness of God. Listen as they encourage and empower you to stop looking in the rear-view mirror of who you used to be, and to move forward with who God has called you to be.

    No matter how painful and terrible you past is, you have got to overcome it and move on. Never allow your past to trap you. Your past does not define you. What matters is your present and future.

    Kindly watch  and learn from this message by T.D Jakes and Sarah Jakes Roberts and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you the grace to overcome your painful past.

    Video credit : TBN