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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts : There’s Nothing Special About You

Sarah Jakes Roberts : There’s Nothing Special About You

    Sarah Jakes Roberts There’s Nothing Special About You: 

    The founder of Women Evolve and daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has come through with this wonderful message titked ”there is nothing special about you” released on the September 15 2022.

    This is one of those special and inspiring sermons by Sarah Jakes Roberts that you cannot afford to miss.

    Pastor Sarah Jakes has contributed immensely towards the spiritual growth and development of people worldwide through her sermons and way of life. She has also through her life story and the activities of women evolved contributed immensely toward helping women t actualize their life goals.

    Kindly watch this sermon by Pastor SJR and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Video credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Youtube