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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts : God Will Send You Help

Sarah Jakes Roberts : God Will Send You Help

    Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon God Will Send You Help : Here is another motivational, inspiring and encouraging sermon by the daughter of TD Jakes, founder of Women Evolve and senior pastor of ONE(Potter’s House Church), Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts.

    It will be recalled that Bishop TD Jakes some time ago passed the touch to Sarah Jakes Roberts by merging Women, Thou art Loosed with Women Evolved and thus handing over WTAL to Sarah Jakes Roberts. Sarah Jakes Roberts who is currently married to Pastor Toure Roberts has remained relentlessly committed in her effort to ensure the spiritual growth and development of thousands of people worldwide through her sermons and books. She has also committed her life to enlightening and empowering women worldwide through different platforms like Women Evolved and ensuring the women achieve their life goals, aspirations and potentials.

    Preaching on this sermon ”God will send you help”, Pastor Sarah Jakes said, “After experiencing the transformative power of God, get ready to go toe-to-toe with the enemy. In this message, SJR dares you to produce with a target on your back. For it won’t be long until your bruised heel crushes the serpent’s head!

    Kindly watch and learn from this Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon ”God will send you help ”. May God bless his words in our hearts and grant us all our heart desires.

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    Watch Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon ”God will Send You help ”

    Video Credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Youtube