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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon: From Powerless to Powerful

Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon: From Powerless to Powerful

    Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermon From Powerless to Powerful :  Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts of ONE (Potter’s House Church), daughter of Bishop TD Jakes and wife of Toure Roberts, has come through with this wonderful sermon titled ”From Powerless to powerful”.

    This is one of those inspiring and encouraging messages by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts that yo would love to listen to .

    If you’ve been feeling powerless lately, this message is tailor made for you.  Kindly Join Pastor Sarah as she spearheads a night of encouragement and soul care.

    Watch and listen to this Sarah Jakes Message and educative conversation and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Video Credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Youtube