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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts : Praying for A New System

Sarah Jakes Roberts : Praying for A New System

    Sarah Jakes Roberts Praying for A New System : The founder of Women Evolve, daughter of Bishgop TD Jakes and Pastor of ONE ( Potters House Church ). Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts shares this message titled “Praying for A New System” which we are bringing to you to listen to and meditate on. The wife of Toure Roberts who is the senior pastor of The Potters House At One LA which is now known as ONE Online has transformed the lives of many women in the United States of America through her Woman Evolve Conference series.

    Be rest assured that this is a message worth your time and attention. Kindly watch and listen to this sermon by pastor Sarah Jakes. May God bless his words in our hearts.

    Watch and learn from this session by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts “Praying for A New System” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.