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Latest and Amazing Picture of Sarah Jakes Roberts

    Sarah Jakes Roberts picture : the daughter of Bishop TD Jakes and the wife of Toure Roberts, pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has taken to Instagram to share her new picture.

    Commenting on the picture , Pastor Sarah Jakes took to instagram to write:

    Sometimes being a woman feels like you’re a little girl playing dress up.

    Sometimes it feels like you’re on top of the world.

    On the best day it’s the perfect balance of the two. One makes you humble. The other makes you confident.

    Is it a little girl, bossy, or combo day for you?

    No matter what it is just know that you’re not alone. I’m praying that God’s presence would meet you where you need it the most.

    May grace give you permission to discover peace, resist fear, and trust that you’re capable of being present for every moment.