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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts Message : Nurturing Your Inner Child

Sarah Jakes Roberts Message : Nurturing Your Inner Child

    Sarah Jakes Roberts Message Nurturing Your Inner Child : The adorable daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, the wife of Toure Roberts and the founder of Women Evolve , Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has come through with this wonderful message titled ”Nurturing your inner child”.  Be rest assured that this is a message you will  love to listen to as it contains a lot of life useful lessons.

    Commenting on the message, Sarah Jakes took to youtube to write : Hey You! This month is all about “Revolutionary Sisterhood”. Join us as we learn how to be the sister we have always needed for ourselves and those around us.

    As you watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes, may God bless his words in your hearts and grant you all your heart desires.

    Credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Youtube