Sarah Jakes Roberts and Toure Roberts Wedding anniversary 2023 : The daughter of Bishop TD Jakes and founder of Women Evolve, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband, Pastor Toure Roberts today, November 11, 2023 marks their 9th year wedding anniversary.
Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts got married to pastor Toure Roberts on the 11th day of November 2014. It should also be noted that Sarah Jakes’ marriage to Toure Roberts was her second marriage, after she was previously married to Robert Henson. On the other hand, Toure Roberts was oreviously married to Lori Roberts with whom he had three children.

Celebrating her 9th year wedding anniversary with Pastor Toure Roberts, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts took to instagram to write:
Once upon a time, there was a girl who fell in love with falling in love. It didn’t matter much who was on the other end. All that mattered was recreating the lyrics and scenes that filled her little girl’s heart with butterfly dreams.
She soon learned that falling in love with love meant hitting hard things. She broke her heart. She bruised her hope. She promised to never fall in love again.
Then, one day, that girl became a woman who knew how to stand up to hard things. She stood in the face of insecurity and shame. She stood up to her potential and embodied hope. She stood so tall that falling would never be an option again.
Until one day, the woman who stood tall felt the power of what it meant to be carried away in love. This time, love wasn’t recreation or empty promises. This time, love was sturdy, like a ship on a mission headed for deep waters.
That love carried her away from fear and into faith. That love echoed heaven’s promises over Earth’s problems. That love tore down walls and erected strength rooted in vulnerability. That love gave the woman what she’d needed all along: rest.
Touré, my love, our love story will forever be my favorite. You fill my cup to the overflow with joy, wisdom, strength, hope, power, and love. You are my constant reminder that God knows my name. I am grateful to be your partner, friend, lover, and wife. Nine years feels like nine decades and nine seconds because of the enigma that is our life.
I absolutely positively adore you. As I said nine years ago today, with Oceans playing in the background, I say again today, “Let’s go deeper.”