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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts and Amanda Samuels : How to Deepen Your Trust in God

Sarah Jakes Roberts and Amanda Samuels : How to Deepen Your Trust in God

    Sarah Jakes Roberts and Amanda Samuels How to Deepen Your Trust in God : The daughter of Bishop TD Jakes and wife of Toure Roberts, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts in collaboration with Amanda Samuels have come through with this unique and inspiring message titled ”How to Deepen Your Trust in God”.

    the importance of Trust in the life of a Christian can never be over emphasized. As a matter of fact, trust in God is the fulcrum of every Christian’s existence.

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has therefore taken time to discuss the basic ways to deepen or increase our trust in God.

    In this sermon, SJR and Amanda Samuels discuss what ‘you’re built for it’, means to them and how it’s connected to deepening your trust in God.

    Kindly watch and learn from this Sarah Jakes Roberts and Amanda Samuel sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Video credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Youtube