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Home » New and Amazing pictures of Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband Tooure Roberts

New and Amazing pictures of Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband Tooure Roberts

    Sarah Jakes and Toure Roberts pictures : The loving and amazing couples , Pastors Sarah Jakes Roberts and Toure Roberts who are co-pastors of the ONE(Potters house church) have blessed us with these amazing and romantic pictures.

    Commenting on the picture, Sarah Jakes Roberts wrote on instagram :

    My favorite “do nothing” partner. The garden keeper of my soul. Binge watch buddy. Parenting conspirator. The escape hatch when my back is against the wall. My coach when swinging is the only option. My tutor and my test. My pillow and my tissue. The 808 on this track I’m producing called life. Him.

    Sarah Jakes and Toure Roberts pictures

    The marriage between Sarah and Toure Roberts has been a very happy and sucessful one where both has remain supportive to each other.

    See More pictures of Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and the husband Toure Roberts

    Sarah Jakes and Toure Roberts pictures

    Sarah Jakes and Toure Roberts pictures

    Credit : Sarah Jakes Roberts Instagram