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Home » Robert Madu & Taylor Madu: Practice Grace for Your Marriage

Robert Madu & Taylor Madu: Practice Grace for Your Marriage

    Robert Madu & Taylor Madu Message Practice Grace for Your Marriage: 

    Watch Robert Madu and Taylor Madu Message titled ”Practice grace for your marriage”. This is a message you would love to listen to as it contains a lot of lessons particularly in the area of marriage.

    Robert and Taylor Madu speak at the Spark Conference on TBN’s Praise. Listen in as Robert and Taylor discuss the importance of filtering the advice you receive from outside opinions and to not dwell of comparing yourself, and your marriage to others.

    Kindly watch and learn from this marriage tips by Robert Madu and Taylor Madu and as you do so, may God give you the grace to understand and put the words into practice.

    Video credit : Praise on TBN Youtube