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Prayers For All Souls’ Day

    Prayers for All Souls’ Day are prayers that are said on the day of All Souls. Since the Catholic Church teaches that there are many saints in heaven, some people choose to offer prayers for a specific saint or group of saints on this day. For example, people might pray for their grandmother who died recently or they might pray for all of the souls in purgatory who have not yet been purified. In addition to praying specifically for saints and groups of souls, it is common practice to ask God’s mercy upon those who have passed away and make petitions on their behalf.

    Prayers For All Souls’ Day

    1. Prayer to Pray for Souls in Purgatory

    Prayer to Pray for Souls in Purgatory

    The Church gives us much guidance on how we can help those suffering in purgatory. For example, we are told that every Mass offered up for the dead will ease their sufferings as well as increase their joys. And when we pray a novena (nine consecutive days) of Masses, the same souls are released from their temporary punishment and admitted into Heaven. Lastly, when we pray for them, it is a great consolation to them—even more so than our prayers on Earth could make possible!

    As you continue your prayers through this month and throughout the rest of your life, try not only saying these beautiful words for the holy souls but also adding an act of love or charity as an offering to God on their behalf. Let us show our love for one another now by praying for each other’s salvation!

    2. Prayer for The Holy Souls in Purgatory

    Prayer for The Holy Souls in Purgatory

    O Jesus, Thou didst come to earth to save sinners, especially those who are in purgatory. Hasten the day when all of them will be released from their sufferings and admitted into heaven; for the souls in purgatory have no other hope than that of the intercession made by Thy faithful on this earth.

    Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ shed for us by our Savior Jesus Christ on Calvary as a propitiation for all my sins and those of all mankind. And I offer it, especially for my own intentions and those of all my dear departed relatives who are so dear to me.

    St. Michael Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil… In temptation resist him; he will flee from you… You were one day caught up before God’s throne with many holy angels: rejoice now with unutterable joy!

    3. Prayer for the Dead

    • “O God, whose mercies are endless: look on my afflictions, and take pity on me. I am alone and in pain; have mercy upon me.”
    • “Lord Jesus Christ, who said: ‘Let not your hearts be troubled,’ come to my assistance. I am so troubled that I cannot speak; listen to my sighs.”

    4. A Dutiful Son’s Prayer for His Deceased Parents

    O Lord,

    You have given me parents for my good.

    My father and mother are dead, but I am blessed because they have gone to heaven.

    They lived good lives and taught me how to serve you. They did not fear death when it came; they died in faith knowing that they would hear the voice of their Savior Jesus Christ tell them, “Well done!”

    Please forgive my parents for all the wrong things they did while alive on earth. Please help them in heaven with everything they need as we wait here on earth for our own day of judgment before you come again to judge all humanity by your word!

    5. These prayers can be used to pray for the souls of those who have died.

    The following prayers are suitable for those who would like to pray for the souls of their deceased loved ones. These prayers can be used in honor of All Souls’ Day, which is observed on November 2nd.

    • Prayer for the Souls of the Faithful Departed

    O God, look down from heaven with compassion upon us and our children and all those whom we love; bring them into your presence by your grace, that they may enjoy eternal happiness with you in heaven; through Christ our Lord. Amen.*

    This prayer asks God to bring your loved ones into His presence so that they may enjoy eternal happiness in heaven. It also asks Him to look down upon you, your children, and any other loved ones who have passed away (or will pass away).


    We hope that these prayers will help you to remember the souls in purgatory, and be an effective tool for reflection and self-examination as well.