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Powerful Prayer Of Thanksgiving

    Powerful prayer of thanksgiving: Today, we are called upon to praise the Lord for hus goodness in our lives. The best form of prayer is the prayer of thanksgiving, worship and adoration. This prayer moves God to act.

    The moment you praise, things change in your favor. There may be a period of darkness, but if you’ll keep thanking God that He’s fighting your battles, He’ll make things happen that you couldn’t make happen.

    You may have situations that look like they’ll never work out. If you only consider the circumstances, you’ll get discouraged and give up. Don’t consider your circumstances; consider your God.

    Other people may not see your value. They may discount you, leave you out, try to make you feel less than. The only way that will stop you is if you let them convince you that you’re not valuable. Tune all that out and get in agreement with God.

    Today, God is reminding you that you are wonderfully made. You are talented. You are blessed. You are victorious. Now that’s good for me to speak it over you, it builds your faith, but something more powerful happens when you speak it.

    Powerful Prayer Of Thanksgiving

    Heavenly Father,

    We come before You today with hearts overflowing with gratitude. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, and in Your infinite wisdom and boundless love, You have showered us with countless blessings. We thank You, Lord, for all You have done, for all You are doing, and for all You will still do.

    Gratitude for the Past:

    Lord, we thank You for Your faithfulness throughout our lives. You have been our rock and our fortress, our deliverer and our shield. We praise You for the times You have carried us through trials and tribulations, for the moments You have provided for our needs, and for the ways You have revealed Your presence and Your power. Thank You, Lord, for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, and for the hope of eternal life. Your mercies have been new every morning, and Your grace has sustained us. We are grateful for every answered prayer, every miracle, and every moment of peace You have granted us.

    Acknowledgment of the Present:

    Father, we thank You for Your constant presence in our lives today. We recognize Your hand in the beauty of creation, in the love of family and friends, and in the opportunities and challenges that come our way. Thank You for the wisdom and guidance of Your Holy Spirit, for the comfort and strength You provide, and for the ways You are working in and through us. We are grateful for the blessings we often take for granted – for health, for provision, for community, and for the freedom to worship You. We thank You for the lessons we are learning and for the growth we are experiencing as we walk with You daily.

    Faith for the Future:

    Lord, we look forward with confidence and hope, knowing that You hold our future in Your hands. We trust in Your promises and believe that You are working all things together for our good. Thank You for the plans You have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. We are excited for the new doors You will open, the new opportunities You will present, and the new ways You will reveal Your glory. Help us to remain faithful and obedient, to seek Your will in all things, and to continue to trust in Your perfect timing.

    In Jesus’ Name:
    We offer this prayer of thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We thank You for the victory we have in Him, for the love that surpasses all understanding, and for the peace that guards our hearts and minds. May our lives be a continual offering of praise and thanksgiving, bringing glory to Your holy name.



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