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Pastor Steven Furtick: Torn But Trusting

    Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon Torn But Trusting :

    Elevation Church shares this Sunday sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick on September 18 2022 titled “Torn But Trusting” where he teaches that it’s not over as you’re just in between. In “Torn But Trusting,” Pastor Steven challenges us not to fixate on what’s next, but to let God bless us right where we are now.

    He taught from the book of Genesis chapter 32. We’re gonna see this bible character Jacob in a wrestling match. The scripture read ‘so Jacob’s gifts went on ahead of him but he himself spent the night in the camp that night. Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his 11 sons and crossed the forward of the Jabock. This is a picture that what he’s going through externally is really secondary to what he’s going through internally and so when we focus on situations that we’ve got to get through sometimes we miss the point because God uses situations to deal with issues in you.

    If all you want God to do is get you through the situation, you’ll miss the main thing that God wanted to do and then you’ll recreate the situation that you got through because you didn’t deal with the issue that caused it in the first place.

    Kindly watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick and as you do so, may God bless his words in our hearts and grant all your heart desires.

    Video Credit : Official Steven Furtick