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Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon : Instruments Of Victory

    Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon Instruments Of Victory : Here is a new sermon delivered by the lead pastor of Elevation Church. Pastor Steven Furtick and it is an inspiring and educative sermon highly recommended for you to listen to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Furtick reminds everyone of us that ”You’ve got what it takes to win”.

    In “Instruments Of Victory,” we’re reminded that victory comes when we place our gifts and even our insecurities in God’s hands.

    God has called each and every one of us to live a life of victory, and He has equipped us with the tools we need to overcome any challenge or obstacle that may come our way. But in order to be effective instruments of victory, we need to understand what it means to be victorious and how we can walk in that truth.”

    “Victory is not just about winning battles or achieving success in the world’s eyes. True victory is about living a life that is aligned with God’s purpose and plan for us. It’s about overcoming sin, fear, doubt, and all the things that hold us back from becoming who God created us to be. It’s about living a life of faith, obedience, and perseverance, no matter what circumstances we may face.”

    “In order to be instruments of victory, we need to first realize that victory is not something that we earn or achieve on our own. It’s not based on our own strength, talent, or abilities. Victory is a gift from God, given to us through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It’s through His death and resurrection that we have the ultimate victory over sin and death. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).”

    “Once we understand that victory is a gift from God, we need to learn how to walk in that victory daily. It’s not enough to simply receive victory as a one-time event. We need to cultivate a victorious mindset and lifestyle. This means we need to renew our minds with the truth of God’s Word and align our thoughts, attitudes, and actions with His promises.”

    “In order to walk in victory, we also need to be intentional about our relationship with God. We need to seek Him daily in prayer, worship, and study of His Word. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, convict us, and empower us to live a life that pleases God. It’s through our intimate relationship with God that we gain the wisdom, strength, and discernment to overcome any challenge or temptation that may come our way.”

    “Another important aspect of being instruments of victory is understanding that we are not called to fight our battles alone. God has placed us in a community of believers, and we are meant to encourage, support, and edify one another. We need to be vulnerable and transparent with our brothers and sisters in Christ, allowing them to speak truth into our lives and hold us accountable. We are stronger together, and when we come together in unity, we become a powerful force for God’s kingdom.”

    “Finally, being instruments of victory means that we need to be willing to step out in faith and take action. Faith without action is dead (James 2:17). We need to be willing to step out of our comfort zones, face our fears, and take bold steps of obedience, even when it’s difficult or challenging. Victory often requires courage, perseverance, and determination. But when we trust in God and take action in obedience to His leading, He will empower us and guide us to victory.”

    “Church, we are called to be instruments of victory in this world. We are called to live a life that brings glory to God and makes a difference in the lives of others. Let’s be intentional about renewing our minds, cultivating our relationship with God, building meaningful relationships with fellow believers, and stepping out in faith to take action. As we do so, we will see God’s victory manifested in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Remember, we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

    kindly watch and learn from this Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon ”Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon Instruments Of Victory” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Pastor Steven Furtick Sermon Instruments Of Victory

    Video Credit : Elevation Church Youtube

    See all Steven Furtick sermon 2023

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