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Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts: Rise, Slay, Eat

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Rise, Slay, Eat :

    Watch Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts sermon titled ”rise, slay, eat” delivered on Sunday the 28th day of August 2022.

    In this sermon, Sarah Jakes she asked if you have ever had a vision of a life that you were meant to have? Have you ever been dissatisfied with comfort knowing that there’s more for you? She said that is the calling of God chasing you down and calling you out into a life fulfilled by His will for you. The daughter of Bishop T.D Jakes said that to complete your mission, God will release the “you” that is meant to rise and change the world, the culture, and generations to come. The Scripture: Acts 10: 9-19 (NKJV) is the reference point of this message.

    She said that while they were singing about watching them praise, God told her that their neighbors aren’t the only one watching. She said depression was watching somebody praise, that a custody battle was watching somebody praise, the torment was watching somebody praise and that the enemy was watching wondering how could you be praising after all that you have gone through. Sarah said praise has been the only weapon that you’ve had and that is the only weapon that you need.

    This sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts is shared by TD Jakes Ministries. Kindly watch and learn from this sermon and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Video Credit ; TD Jakes Youtube