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Home » Sarah Jakes Roberts & Christina: How To Know When To Set Boundaries

Sarah Jakes Roberts & Christina: How To Know When To Set Boundaries

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Christina Edwards sermon 2022 : Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Christina Edwards have jointly come through with this message titled “How To Know When To Set Boundaries” where they give clarity on when and how to set boundaries with family members. In this message, they teach that even if your boundaries are met with resistance, you should stand firm and trust that keeping yourself safe is always a top priority.

    They made us to know that there is nothing wrong with creating boundaries and accountability within family and establishing those even if no one else in your family has them. Sarah and Christina said you may be acting funny but you will be whole and you will have peace. They said you have to protect you at any cost when the people who are charged with protecting you end up damaging you and then won’t be accountable for it. You will be.

    Watch, listen and meditate on the word of God in this message by Sarah Jakes Roberts & Christina Edwards: “How To Know When To Set Boundaries” and keep tuned as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

    Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube /