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Home » Pastor Robert Madu Sermon : I’m Annoyed | Elevation Church

Pastor Robert Madu Sermon : I’m Annoyed | Elevation Church

    Pastor Robert Madu Sermon I’m Annoyed : Here is another wonderful and highly inspiring sermon by Pastor Robert Madu titled ” I’m Annoyed”, delivered at Elevation Church.

    Be rest assured that this is a unique and highly insightful sermon filled with life changing lessons that you cannot afford to miss.

    Preaching on this sermon at Elevation Church, Pastor Roberts Madu asked , ”What if God is using what bothers you to bless you?

    In “I’m Annoyed,” Pastor Robert Madu of Social Dallas teaches us that our assignment helps put what annoys us into perspective.

    Kindly watch and learn from this Robert Madu sermon ”I’m Annoyed”  and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and give you the grace to awaken your great  faith.

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    Video credit : Elevation Church Youtube