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Home » Pastor Michael Todd Sermon : A Collision with Vision

Pastor Michael Todd Sermon : A Collision with Vision

    Pastor Michael Todd Sermon A Collision with Vision : The lead pastor of Transformation Church, Pastor Michael Todd has come through with this with spirit lifting message titled ” A Collision with Vision”, delivered during the Transformation church Sunday service of January 16 2023.

    This is an sinpring and life changing sermon by Pastor Michael Todd filled with amazing lessons that you cannot afford to miss.

    Today we received a collision with vision as Pastor Mike shared the importance of having vision in his first message of 2023. The most valuable thing we can have is vision because it is the key to our future. It gives us the ability to see what is INVISIBLE and make it POSSIBLE. Though your vision may seem out of reach, it is not out of sight. Pastor Mike shares what has come to pass over the course of his life as a result of valuing vision and he also reveals the word of the year for 2023!
    We believe that this is the year of Kingdom: The Rise of a Holy Rebellion.
    Watch this video for a life-changing word that will truly change how you see the rest of your life.

    kindly watch and learn from this Pastor Michael Todd Sermon ”A Collision with Vision ” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Michael Todd Sermon ”A Collision with Vision”

    Video Credit : Transformation Church Youtube