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Home » Pastor Michael Phillips Sermon : In a Little While (August 26 2022)

Pastor Michael Phillips Sermon : In a Little While (August 26 2022)

    Pastor Michael Phillips Sermon : In a Little While (August 26 2022) : 

    Watch Pastor Michael Philips Sermon in a little while which T.D. Jakes Ministry shares shares today Auust 26 2022.

    Be rest assured that this is a sermon that you would love to listen to as it contains a lot of motivationg, encouraging and spirit listing messages you need.

    Commenting on the sermon by Michael Philips, TD Jakes Ministry wrote on Youtube, ”

    The uncertainty of our present prevents us from envisioning our future. But if we genuinely believe that “all things work together according to God’s purpose,” then what shall we fear? Though we’ve endured hardships and headaches, we ought to remember that it is all foundational for a future we can achieve when we access the total capacity of Christ! So don’t maximize your problems; maximize your God!

    Kindly watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Michael Philips of Potter’s House Church and as you do so, may God bless his words in our hearts and grant us all our heart desires.

    Video Credit ; T.D. Jakes Youtube