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Home » Pastor Matt Hagee – “First Things First”

Pastor Matt Hagee – “First Things First”

    Pastor Matt Hagee Sermon First Things First :  The senior pastor of Cornerstone Church and the son of Pastor John Hagee, pastor Matt Hagee has come through with this uniquely educative and inspiring sermon titled ”first things first”. This is a message that talks about priority and it is an important message you would love to listen to.

    Speaking on this sermon, Pastor Matt Hagee said, There are many things in our world that are “out of order.” Our government, our media, our economy, our society…are all out of order. Some parts of the Bible are difficult to understand, but they are still true. Read the Word and God will direct you down paths of righteousness. His divine purpose is for whosoever will…

    Kindly watch and learn from this sermon by Matt Hagee of Cornerstone church and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Video Credit : Hagee Ministries