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Home » Pastor Matt Hagee Sermon : “Are You Starving to Death?”

Pastor Matt Hagee Sermon : “Are You Starving to Death?”

    Pastor Matt Hagee Sermon Are You Starving to Death?” : The Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church and the Son of Pastor John Hagee has come through with this sermon titled “Are You Starving to Death?”

    In this sermon, Pastor Hagee says there is a fundamental difference between between what you want and what you need. When your desire and God’s divine purpose for your life collide, you have a hunger pain.

    We need to always pray to hunger and desire for things that align with God’s divine purpose for our lives. Your cravings have absolutely nothing to do with our needs. We must learn to distinguish between what we crave for from what we need.

    What you hear and what you see may affect your craving for? We should endeavor to crave for what God desires for us. Be conscious of things you listen to , what you see because in one way or the other, they affect what we think and crave for.

    In this sermon, you will get to know what the Scripture has to say about overcoming hunger pains.

    Teaching on Instagram in this new year 2022, Pastor Matt Hagee wrote:

    “The Bible is not filled with fake news and propaganda but “The Good News” is that our God is faithful and his son Jesus Christ saves. In this series, Pastor Matt is going to focus on “The Good News” Christ proclaimed and when the spirit of the Lord was upon him because he was anointed to preach “The Good News.”

    We encourage you to invite and a friend or family member to church and start 2022 planted in the house of the Lord. This investigative sermon series will discover what the “Good News” does to our heart, how we can see clearly as Christ-followers, and prepare us for when the trump of God sounds and are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.”

    Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Matt Hagee: “Are You Starving to Death?” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

    Credit: Hagee Ministries YouTube /