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Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon: Your Healing Is His Priority (Part 1)

    Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Your Healing Is His Priority (Part 1):  The most important thing that anyone can receive from God is salvation, forgiveness and  being born again, having a new standing before God.  We must always believe God and believe he is the best, even though there is a cloud in the way, we must always believe that the sun is right behind it, we must know that God’s goodness will always shine through.

    We are encouraged by pastor Joseph prince to have the confidence of David in psalm 23 where he said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

    Psalm 105:37 says, “He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes”. after the passover, all the people who came out the next day came out totally totally healthy, no single one was feeble not the elderly or the youngest.

    God loves us with an everlasting love but the devil hates us with a perfect hatred. he wants us to abandon God, so he keeps trying to paint God as one who is holding back on us. Jesus died on the cross to remove sin from us in the sight of God, it does not mean that we do not sin, it just simply means that God sees us as blameless  because of jesus’s sacrifice for us on the cross.

    when Jesus was man on earth, he went around healing every illness and diseases. this eight here shows us howimportant healing is to God, and we were made in his image and likeness hence we are also able to heal, but we have to believe. the devill will always find a way to make us doubt our selves and God. He does that by making us put our ego first and asking ourselves what if i pray for a person and he does not get healed, this is our ego and it will most definitely block Gods flow of healing in us. we must be consciousof the fact that God is  the greatest and a healer and we are his children and we posses his gift of healing.


    psalm 23

    1st Corinthians 5:7b

    john 1:29

    psalm 105:37

    john 14

    acts 10:38

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