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Pastor John Hagee Sermon: The Weapon of Prayer

    Pastor John Hagee Sermon The Weapon of Prayer : Pastor John Hagee of the Hagee Ministries has released this special sermon   titled “The Weapon of Prayer” delivered on Sunday January 9 2022.

    In this sermon, Pastor John Hagee focused on the current situation in America and the new for the country to retrace their steps so God can heal the land. The the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas in the person of Pastor John Hagee teaches that if we humble ourselves, God will heal our land.

    He said that prayer is a powerless tool until you utilize it and that America’s answer began with a prayer meeting that birthed this nation. John Hagee said we must return to the basics of what made us a great nation and that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Sadly, America has forgotten God and that was where the problem started.

    John Hagee ministries headed by Pastor John Hagee and his son Pastor Matt Hagee has changed many lives through their sermons, devotionals and genera teachings.

    Watch and learn from this sermon Pastor John Hagee : “The Weapon of Prayer” and stay tuned as we bring the latest messages from Pastors across the globe to you.

    Credit: Hagee Ministries YouTube /