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Pastor John Hagee Sermon – “The Power of the Promise”

    Pastor John Hagee Sermon The Power of the Promise : Here is another life chainging and educative sermon by the lead pastor of Cornerstone church and the founder of Hagee Ministries, Pastor John Hagee titled ” The Power of the Promise”

    Preaching on this message, John Hagee said, The greater the promise, the greater the problem. If God gives you a million-dollar promise, He’s going to give you a million-dollar problem. God gave Abraham a promise in Genesis 12 that shaped the world. And then he climbed Mt. Moriah with his son. Great promises bring great problems.

    How you react in the problem determines how long you remain in the problem. You can stay in the wilderness for 40 years like the Israelites or 40 days like Jesus. Don’t make a career out of your problem! Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.

    Pastor John Hagee’s sermon “The Power of the Promise” is a powerful and inspirational message of faith, hope, and courage. He begins by talking about how God is always with us, and how his promises never fail. He then goes on to discuss how God promises to never leave us or forsake us, and how his promises are a source of strength and encouragement in times of difficulty and challenge. He reminds his congregation that the power of the promise of God is greater than any force or circumstance that may come against us.

    Hagee then goes on to discuss how the promises of God are meant to be the anchor of our lives, providing us with a source of security and stability. He explains how God’s promises are everlasting, and how they can give us hope in even the darkest of times. He also talks about how God’s promises are a way for us to have faith and trust in Him, even when we don’t understand what He is doing.

    Finally, Pastor Hagee ends his sermon by reminding his congregation that no matter what may come our way, God’s promises are always true and will never fail us. He encourages them to cling to God’s promises and to not give up hope no matter what they may face. This powerful and uplifting sermon by Pastor John Hagee is sure to bring comfort and strength to anyone who hears it.

    kindly watch and learn from this Pastor John Hagee Sermon ”The Power of the Promise and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Pastor John Hagee Sermon The Power of the Promise

    Video Credit: Hagee Ministries Youtube