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Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : You Have Been Chosen

    Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon ”You Have Been Chosen” : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church, Victoria Osteen husband and Late John Osteen’s son, Pastor Joel Osteen has come through with this amazing and life changing sermon titled ”You have been chosen” and it is a message of hope, assurance and inspiration.

    Preaching on this sermon ”You have been chosen”, Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church Houston Texas said,

    Before you were born, God chose you. He’s already equipped you with everything you need to fulfill His calling on your life.

    You will see greater favor because of the unfair things. The enemy meant it for harm, but God is turning it to your advantage.

    God has not brought you this far to leave you. He has seen the disappointments, the injustice, the lonely nights. That’s not how your story ends. Victory is coming.

    Life happens to us all. Rain falls on the just and the unjust. The difference with the just, with people that honor God, is God promises to take what was meant for harm and turn it for your good.
    The Scripture says, “God will rebuke the devourer for you.” You don’t have to do it. God will push back what’s trying to stop you. There will be a supernatural ease, a grace to enjoy the blessing on your life.
    Here’s the key: it’s not your fault that you got knocked down, but it is your responsibility to get back up. When unfair things happen, your move is to go forward in faith, trusting that God will make it up to you.
    Kindly watch this Joel Osteen’s message of hope ”You have been chosen” below

    Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube

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