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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : What’s Blocking Your Growth?

Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : What’s Blocking Your Growth?

    Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon : What’s Blocking Your Growth? : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church and the founder of Joel Osteen Ministries, Pastor Joel Osteen has come through with this amazing and life changing sermon titled ”What’s Blocking Your Growth?”.

    This is inspiring and motivational sermon filled with life helpful and spirit lifting messages that you would love to listen to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Pastor Joel Osteen said, You’re the one to set a new standard, to be the difference maker. Don’t let negative things keep getting passed down. All it takes is for one person to rise up.

    God still has a purpose for you to fulfill. Get your passion back, start believing again, start hoping again, start dreaming again.

    Too often, we don’t realize who we are. We let doubt & negative voices convince us that we’re limited. Get rid of those limiting thoughts. You and God are a majority. Step out and get ready to see new levels, new friendships, new opportunities, new talents, new victories.

    kindly watch and learn from this ”Joel Osteen Sermon What’s Blocking Your Growth?” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

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    Watch Pastor Joel Osteen Sermon 2023 What’s Blocking Your Growth?

    Video Credit : Joel Osteen Youtube

    Watch All Joel Osteen Sermon 2023 here