Joel Osteen Live Sunday ServiceToday October 22 2023 : It is another beautiful day to appear in the presence of the Lord with praises and worship. Lakewood church as usual has come with this amazing Special live Sunday service with Pastor Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria Osteen.
Today’s Sunday Service with Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church Houston Texas is going to be a special one filled with praise and worship songs bu the Lakewood church worship group as well as amazing sermon and prayer by the lakewood Church lead pastor, Joel Osteen.
Inviting the general public to today’s Sunday service, Lakewood church took to Youtube to write :
God’s mercy is everlasting, and He is faithful through generations. In 1959, Joel’s parents, John and Dodie Osteen, started Lakewood Church in an old feed store. Through the years, Ms. Dodie has grown more spiritually alive and passionate than ever, unceasingly exemplifying what it means to trust God wholeheartedly.
In this service from October 22, 2023, hear a powerful message from Joel, worship with the Lakewood Music Team, and honor Ms. Dodie with a 90th birthday celebration! For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. (Psalm 100:5, NKJV).
Kindly stream Lakewood Church Sunday service today with Pastor Joel Osteen and be filled with the joy of the Lord’s salvation.
You can also watch this highly inspiring sermon
Video credit : Lakewood Church Youtube