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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals Today July 3 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals Today July 3 2023.

    The theme for today’s Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals Today July 3 2023 ”On the Verge of a Miracle”.

    SCRIPTURE: Joshua 3:13, NIV “As soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD—the Lord of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.” 

    Today’s Word

    When Joshua and the two million Israelites came to cross the Jordan River, it was in flood stage, over 150 feet wide, with violent currents rushing down from the melting snow on Mount Hermon. It looked impassable. The problem was too big. When the people wanted to turn around, Joshua told them, “Keep on walking.” As soon as the priests got their feet wet, as they obeyed God, the miracle happened and they were given entrance into the Promised Land.

    You may be at the Jordan River right now. The problem in your health, or your finances, or your relationships is bigger than it’s ever been and you don’t see how it can work out. You’re tempted to quit believing. That’s a test. You’re on the verge of a miracle. You have to get your feet wet. If you keep walking, praying, and expecting, you’re going to see God open things up that you never dreamed would open, turn problems around you never dreamed would turn around. That Jordan River is setting you up for your promised land.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You for the promise that You will part my Jordan Rivers when I step into the water. When things look impossible, I know that You want me to be bold and keep taking steps of obedience, to keep praying and expecting. I believe I’m going to see miracles along the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

    Source : Joel Osteen Ministries Official site ” ”