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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional September 22 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional September 22 2023.

    The theme for today’s Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional September 22 2023 is ”Stay on the High Road 

    SCRIPTURE: Genesis 26:12, NLT “When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the LORD blessed him. 

    In Genesis 26, Isaac was living among the Philistines in a time of great famine. He stepped out in faith and sowed seeds despite the drought, and God blessed him with a hundredfold harvest. He became a wealthy man, with large flocks of sheep and great herds of cattle. He was blessed so abundantly that the Philistines became jealous. All was well with the Philistines until Isaac’s business took off. They first clogged up Isaac’s wells, then the king told Isaac he had to move because he was too powerful. Isaac could have argued, could have started a fight, but he understood that with the blessing comes persecution. He kept his peace, moved on, and God brought him into a better place.

    When God brings blessings on your life, someone will be jealous and try to stir up trouble. Stay on the high road. Don’t pay attention to the criticism of small-minded people. When you refuse to get bent out of shape, nothing can keep you from the abundance that belongs to you.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You for the promise to bless me right where I am, even when I face opposition and ridicule. I believe that You will multiply me even in the midst of famine. I receive Your peace and declare that I will stay on the high road and avoid conflict. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

    Source: Joel Osteen Ministries