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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 28 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 28 2023.

    The theme for today’s Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 27 2023 is ”This Is the Day 

    SCRIPTURE: Psalm 118:24, NLT  This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

    David had all kinds of opposition coming against him, people slandering him, family problems, but in the middle of it all he wrote today’s Scripture. If he was reporting on his circumstances, he would have said, “The Lord made this day, but I have so many problems.” Instead, David was making a declaration of faith: “Despite the opposition, people lying about me, or my family not believing in me, I’m going to live this day happy.”

    If you’re going to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose, because there will be betrayals, delays, and all kinds of things that can cause you to live sour. You have to say, “I’m not letting what’s not working out or other people or problems to steal my joy. I will rejoice. I will be glad. I will live this day happy.” Know that your will is more powerful than how you feel. You have to decide first, then happiness will come. You control your happiness. It’s not up to anyone else. You’re as happy as you want to be.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You that You have given me this day as a gift to live for You. Thank You that my happiness today is not dependent upon anyone else or upon my circumstances. I will rejoice, I will be glad, and I will make the most of this day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

    Source: Joel Osteen Ministries