Just as God gave you a natural instinct to drink water to maintain your life, He also put a spiritual thirst in you to see your dreams fulfilled and to pursue goals. But when we’ve gone through disappointments and setbacks, it’s easy to lose our thirst. We used to be passionate about being the best at our job, starting a business, meeting the right person, but we’ve settled where we are, thinking that it’s not meant to be. But God didn’t create you to live in mediocrity, to just go through the motions of life. You have to get thirsty again.
Today’s Scripture says that if you’re going to see good things—healing, breakthroughs, and favor—you have to stay thirsty. That means you have to keep believing for your dreams, keep expecting new doors to open, keep declaring favor over your children, keep speaking promises over your health. God didn’t put a dream in your heart that He can’t bring to pass. There’s not a problem you’re in that He can’t solve. The question is, Are you thirsty?
Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for the thirst You put in me to see my dreams fulfilled and to pursue the right goals. Thank You that I can live my life passionately, with zeal in my heart to become all You created me to be. I believe that You will satisfy me with good things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”