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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 20 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 20 2023.

    The theme for today’s Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional October 20 2023 is ”Agreeing Together

    SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18:19, NLT “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you.” 

    We’re all believing for a dream to come to pass, or praying for a situation to turn around, trusting that God is working. But according to today’s Scripture, something more powerful happens when you have someone agree with you for what you’re believing for. Jesus doesn’t say, “Just believe for yourself, and it will happen. He says, “Find someone who will come into agreement with you.” He was showing us the power of agreement.

    When you’re believing for something, you need people with bold faith, not people who say, “I don’t see how that can happen. You really think you’ll get well?” Doubters are a dime a dozen. You need people who say, “If you’re bold enough to believe the addiction is broken, I’m bold enough to agree with you.” You need a faith partner, someone who will take the limits off God with you, who inspires you to keep believing, even when it seems impossible. When you come into agreement, it releases favor in a new way—healing, breakthroughs, abundance that you won’t see by yourself.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You that Jesus made it so clear that there is a power in agreement in prayer. Thank You for the people who are truly joined in spirit with me and who I can count upon to be faith partners. Help me to keep them close at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    Source: Joel Osteen Ministries