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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 3 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 3 2023.

    The theme For today’s word by Joel Osteen is ”By This I Know ” Read Joel Osteen daily devotional for today November 1 2023.

    SCRIPTURE: Psalm 41:11, NKJV  By this I know that You are well pleased with me, because my enemy does not triumph over me. 

    Are you facing difficulties that seem too big? Perhaps you never dreamed you would be battling a sickness, that your marriage would be in trouble, or the company wouldn’t need you. God is saying, “I’m still in control. It’s not a surprise to Me.” He already has the solution lined up—the right people, the healing, the promotion, the breakthroughs.

    I’ve learned to recognize that God is pleased with me not by the battles that He’s stopped, but by the battles that didn’t stop me. You can’t judge God’s favor by the battles He kept you out of, but by the battles He brought you through. David was saying, “I know God is pleased with me because in the time of testing He defeated my enemies for me.” The Scripture says you will go through the fire and not be burned, and you will go through the waters and not drown. Don’t get discouraged over what God is bringing you through. He won’t allow you to get in a difficulty that He can’t bring you out of.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You for the history I have with You and for every time You have not allowed the enemy to triumph over me. Thank You for all the times when You’ve shown me that You are pleased with me. By this I know that I will triumph. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

    Source: Joel Osteen Ministries