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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 21, 2023

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 21, 2023

    Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional November 21 2023 : The theme for today’s Joel Osteen Ministries’ Daily devotional by Pastor Joel Osteen is ”Reach Out”.

    Today’s Scripture
    Luke 19:9, CEV
    Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of Abraham.”

    Today’s Word
    It’s easy to look at someone like Zacchaeus, a dishonest and despised tax collector, and make judgments, to find fault and condemn, and stay away. But Jesus came down to lift, to heal, to restore every person. Jesus called Zacchaeus out of a huge crowd of people and said, “I want to go to your house for dinner.” The religious leaders and the priests said, “Why would Jesus go to this crook’s house when He’s in the midst of fine, upstanding people like us?” They believed God was holy and righteous, but they didn’t believe He stoops to notorious sinners. Jesus didn’t say a word of condemnation to Zacchaeus because he was off course, but He loved him and brought salvation to him and his family. Since God stooped down for you, why don’t you stoop down for someone else? Why don’t you reach out and love them? There’s enough judgment in our world today. There’s enough criticism and faultfinding. Let’s be lifters. Let’s be encouragers. Let’s help someone else experience the God who stoops.

    Prayer for Today
    “Father, thank You for freely giving me Your mercy that I might freely give it to others. Thank You that I can stoop to lift the fallen, to restore the broken, and to heal the hurting. Help me be willing to love people who are messy and not turn away from them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

    Credit : Joel Osteen Ministries