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Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional July 8 2023

    The theme of today’s word by Joel Osteen is ” Grass in the Desert”

    As we read Joel Osteen daily devotional today, may we be inspired, motivated and blessed.

    Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional July 8 2023

    Today’s Scripture

    Mark 6:39, NIV

    Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 

    Today’s Word

    In Mark 6, Jesus spent an entire day teaching thousands of people in “a desert place.” Late in the day, Jesus directed His disciples to have the hot, tired, and hungry crowd sit in groups “on the green grass.” Before Jesus multiplied the food miraculously, God gave them grass in the desert. He made the hard place easier for them. He didn’t stop them from going into the hot desert, but He lightened the load.

    We all go through desert places in life—problems that should overwhelm us. But somehow in the midst of the challenges, we feel strength that we didn’t have, courage to keep moving forward, grace to endure. We look back and think, “How did I make it through that loss, that sickness, that difficulty?” It was God giving you grass in the desert, God making the hard places easier. Without His grace and favor, you would have gone under, the sickness or breakup would have defeated you. He didn’t stop the trouble, but He kept the trouble from stopping you.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You for loving me so much that even when I am in a desert place, You provide me with green grass. Thank You that no matter where I go or what I go through, You are always here with me. I believe that You always provide the grace to overcome the difficulties. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

    Joel Osteen Words Today

    Sometimes what we think is a disappointment is really the hand of God. His ways are not our ways. Instead of being frustrated by what doesn’t work out, try a different approach and say, “God, I trust You.”

    Quit saying, “My sickness, my anxiety, my addiction, my dysfunction.” It’s not yours. None of it belongs to you. It’s on foreign territory. Your body is a temple of the Most-High God.

    If you only knew what God was up to, you would get your fire back. Those bad breaks didn’t stop your purpose; the mistakes didn’t cancel your destiny. You’re about to see God show out in your life.

    Source : Joel Osteen Ministries