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Pastor Jabin Chavez Sermons – Clear The Room For Resurrection

    Pastor Jabin Chavez Sermons 2021 Clear The Room For Resurrection Patience and expectations are two very important requirements in this season we are in, the way the world is going, we have a lot of needs but we also need to have patience because there is no time that is too late for our God. we have to be careful so that our lack of patience will not rub us of our expectations from God. patience is not just waiting on God, it is waiting on God without complaining.

    Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles, because times are scary and chaotic does not mean we should not expect things from god, in fact we should not be carried away by how bad times are to the point that we feel discouraged to expect things from God. since we are already expecting poor news  or worse news daily, as we turn on the television, we might as well convert that expectation to a positive one.

    pastor Jabin Chavez advises us to to have faith, and he tells us that God honours faith because faith honours God, it honours him in the sense that to have faith in him means you believe in God. fear does not honour God, it only puts doubt in our hearts and shifts us away from God. we must understand that whenever we are going through warfare, we are in transition to where God has prepared for us and it is at this point that the devil will come to steal from us but if we are able to hold on tho God and his words, we will make it to the other side of the warfare where we would have a blissful victory and understand that the wait was worthy.


    Mark 5:35-43

    Hebrews 11 vs. 1


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