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Home » Open Heaven Daily Devotional September 16 2023: Can One Be Perfect?

Open Heaven Daily Devotional September 16 2023: Can One Be Perfect?

    The theme for Open Heaven Daily Devotional September 16 2023 is Can One Be Perfect?

    SCRIPTURE: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

    God gives instructions and guidelines to His children out of His bountiful love for them. He demands absolute obedience because there is always a reward attached to it. Ultimately, He wants us to become like Him, and He will not accept anything less than the best. 2 Timothy 2:19 says:

    “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”

    Some people argue against perfection, saying that as long as we are alive in this mortal body, we cannot be perfect. They say that everyone is a sinner, and those who are claiming to be holy are just hypocrites. I understand their point because they are speaking as carnal men. The Bible says: “Walk in the Spirit so that you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.” This means living a holy life is not by human activities but with the help of the Holy Spirit. When you humble your heart before Him and tell Him how helpless you are in your weaknesses, He will supply His strength to you and begin to guide you in all things. Obedience to His daily leading in school, at home, in the Church, in the neighbourhood, et cetera, is what will eventually bring you to perfection.


    Be intentional about your attitude to the word of God daily.

    Credit for today’s Open Heaven daily devotional September 16 2023: Open Heaven/