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Home » Open Heaven Daily Devotional November 16 2023: Be Thou Perfect

Open Heaven Daily Devotional November 16 2023: Be Thou Perfect

    The theme for Open Heaven Daily Devotional November 16 2023 is Be Thou Perfect”

    Scripture: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”. Matthew 5:48

    Jesus Christ tells us clearly in today’s memory verse that we should be perfect like our Father in heaven.

    Unfortunately, some people have believed the lie of the devil that no human being can be perfect.

    That is a lie because Jesus Christ will never ask you to do something He knows you cannot accomplish.

    It is painful to say, but not every Bishop, General Overseer or evangelist is going to heaven, which is why your standard for perfection must be Christ, not man (Matthew 7:22-23).

    The things you do must be in line with the word of God only. If someone says something that is not in line with God’s word, no matter who they are, reject it.

    This follows that you must know God for yourself and not only through the lens of someone else.

    Apostle Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” It Corinthians 11:1).

    In other words, Paul was saying that the moment you notice that I am not following Christ, stop following me.

    The only way to know if your spiritual leader is still following Christ is by knowing Christ yourself and you have your Bible to teach you all you need to know about Him.

    The decision to be perfect is a personal matter. It is not something you do collectively; it is personal.

    You can be a part of a group of friends who fellowship with and hold one another accountable

    but who knows what the others are doing in secret in the middle of the night? Who is there in your thoughts to check you when you are conceiving the wrong ideas?

    Joshua said, “As for me and my house”. The ‘me’ comes before ‘my house’. He didn’t say ‘As for us’. ‘As for me’, I will do the will of God, not ‘as for us’.

    It is written in Luke 17:34 that two people will be on a bed, one will be taken and the other left behind. In other words, a husband may go and the wife may remain,

    or the wife may go while the husband remains. It is a personal affair. Make your own decision today, let Christ be your standard and ignore what others are doing.

    Open Heaven For Today 16 November 2023: Key Point

    If our Father in heaven is perfect and we are His genuine children, then we must be perfect too.